Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Little Christmas

It might be wandering up the Champs-Élysées with Vin Chaud or browsing the Cologne Christmas markets with reindeer gingerbread, but Christmas in Europe is definatly different to back home. This month has been full of endless Christmas (and Thanksgiving) lunches, wandering through Christmas markets, present buying and giving and of course, Christmas themed Starbucks drinks.

The season started with an amazing Thanksgiving lunch cooked by my lovely American friends, then a traditional British Christmas lunch complete with the parsnip course and Secret Santa present giving. Last weekend I went to Cologne for the day to have a look around. I met with two more friends and we spend a cold day wandering through the Christmas markets under the incredible Cologne Cathedral.

In the past weeks I have realised how different Christmas is when you don't work in retail! Like everywhere in the world, the shops in Paris are crazily busy but the Christmas lights and displays in the windows make it more bearable.

On Thursday I am going to London to spend Christmas with family and am keeping my fingers crossed that I will see snow before Christmas. No luck yet.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!