Thursday, August 11, 2011

Three currencies in as many days

After a long drive and a huge schnitzel we arrived in Vienna on another day of my tour ( I have lost track of days something terrible). First stop was the 'summer house' of the Hutsberg royal family, complete with their own zoo, then the next morning was free to explore the beautiful city which included castles, the natural history museum and, of course, sachetort with ice cream and coff
ee for morning tea. It's always essential to try the local cuisine! Hence, morning tea was followed by a tour of the original schnapps museum, taste testing included. After a quick change and a struggle finding dinner in the rain, we had a taste of Opera and classical music to top off the evening.

Everyone on the bus has some sort of cold, and if you don't you will soon. So at our stop in Slovakia on the
way from Vienna to Buapest, we decided lunch should be Chinese hot and sour soup to clear the nose. Sniffing all the way, we arrived in beautiful Budapest. I immediately knew that I

love the city and I can't wait for the chance to go back and explore it properly. After the biggest meal I have ever had (and that's a big call from me) the group caught cabs to one of the big bars in the city. As usual, youths in Europe clearly have nowhere to be in the morning and party well into the night. The next day was spent wandering the castle district and streets of Budapest trying to understand their currency, where a chocolate bar costs 300forents.

Next came Krakow, Poland (with another currency, this time easier to understand). We did a somber tour of the Jewish ghettos and Schindlers list followed by more street wandering.
Tomorrow we have an early start to go to Aushwich and Birkenau on the way to Prague.

Sorry about the lack of pictures, hostel Internet is unreliable. I'll try and add some more soon.
Managed to get some internet that works!

Until then


  1. *Dachau
    I had no idea you were blogging! Read all your posts in one go. Sounds like you're having the most amazing time! Super mega jealous about you 'relaxing by the pool' in 30 degree humid weather. It's still pretty dreary here :D
    Have fun in Germany. Think of my great-grandpa in Dachau. It's actually quite a calming place, despite it's history
    Stella xx

  2. Dearest Sarah
    Thanks for the blog!!
    tell us what you thought of Auschwitz
    love Dad
